St Georges Day Parade Update
To all Beaver, Cub and Scout Parents, Saint George’s Day Parade this Sunday 27th April 2014 Just an update regarding the arrangements for Sunday. The current weather forecast predicts the possibility of rain. If it looks like rain the parade will still go ahead, so if it seems necessary please send your child with a […]
Cubs Newsletter 1
6th and 13th Enfield Cubs
25th April 2014 Dear Cub Parents, Cubs Newsletter 25th April 2014 Welcome back for the Summer Term. We have been planning ahead for the term so here are some advanced dates and information: 5 A Side Football 31st May To be held at Enfield Playing Fields, exact time […]
Group Newsletter 13
6th and 13th Enfield Scout Groups Newsletter 13 To all Beaver, Cub and Scout Parents, Happy Easter! I hope you had a good break and wishing you all a happy and blessed Easter Season. Saint George’s Day Parade this Sunday 27th April 2014 27th April is the District Saint George’s Celebration when Enfield Scouts parade […]