6th and 13th Enfield Cubs
25th April 2014
Dear Cub Parents,
Cubs Newsletter 25th April 2014
Welcome back for the Summer Term. We have been planning ahead for the term so here are some advanced dates and information:
5 A Side Football 31st May
To be held at Enfield Playing Fields, exact time and location to be confirmed. Please let us know by next Friday 2nd May if you wish to take part.
Training Camp 16th- 18th June
Another fantastic camping opportunity for our Cubs. We are looking for 8 Cubs to help our leaders on a leader training weekend organised by our District Training team. £30 for the weekend. See attached letter or refer to your emails to book.
District Cross Country Run 4th July
Enfield District are holding a Cross Country Run event. Please let us know if you are interested in taking part. If we have sufficient interest we will plan the Cub meeting around this as it is a Friday evening.
District Cycle Event 18th July
To be starting from Gunpowder Park, Waltham Abbey. At this stage we just need an expression of interest to decide if we are going to participate. This is a Friday evening, so we need a majority in favour to move the usual meeting. Please let us know if you would like to attend and if you do/don’t have a cycle.
With all the above you can just email us to let us know and/or book on to the event using the My.Scout system.
A hard copy of this message will be given out and you should receive this by email also. Please check your email settings, junk, update folders and add us to your address book to make sure we don’t go to junk. If you have changed your email address let us know. We prefer email so please check regularly. All newsletters are posted on our website: http://www.29thenfield.org.uk/category/newsletter/
6th Enfield & 13th Enfield Cubs E: