6th and 13th Enfield Scout Groups Newsletter 13
To all Beaver, Cub and Scout Parents,
Happy Easter!
I hope you had a good break and wishing you all a happy and blessed Easter Season.
Saint George’s Day Parade this Sunday 27th April 2014
27th April is the District Saint George’s Celebration when Enfield Scouts parade through The Town carnival style from Enfield Grammar Upper School to Grammar Lower School. Full turnout is expected for this once a year event to celebrate Scouting’s patron saint.
On this occasion “smart” uniform is required which means ironed scarves tightly and neatly rolled, clean (and ironed if scout shirt) uniform top, black/school trousers/skirt and clean black polished shoes.
We will meet at our designated space marked for the 6th Enfield in the school playground behind the Post Office in Little Park Gardens, EN2 6PD at 2.45pm prompt. We will be identified by our unique group scarves.
Dismissal will be from Enfield Grammar Lower School playground, Silver Street opposite the Civic Centre at 4.30pm. Parents should come to us in the playground after the dismissal to collect your children.
Parents, family and friends are welcome to line the route to watch the parade along Church Street through the Town.
Many thanks for supporting this once a year occasion.
Term Dates
We resume meetings this Friday 25th April. No meeting on 30th May for half term, and our final meeting will be Friday 18th July.
Outdoor Activities
This term expect plenty of outdoor activities. We generally continue with our plans regardless of the weather so please to make sure your young people arrive with suitable outdoor clothing or waterproofs as required. Also make sure all items of clothing are labelled with a name..
The termly subscription amount of £33 is due for all this Friday. Please either pay electronically through your My.Scout email request or by cheque payable to “13th Enfield Scout Group”.We prefer not to handle cash please.
Leadership Help
Please do continue to use My.Scout to sign up to help for at least one evening a term (or as many as you like!). By signing up and choosing your own dates it avoids us having to allocate a rota to you.
We now have quite a few parents on our approved “Occasional Helpers” list. If you would like to sign up for this please ask any of our leaders for an application form. If you enjoy helping on our rota it is worth considering signing up as a recognised helper.
We are actively recruiting for uniformed leaders, particularly for Beavers. Now is a very good time to join as we have an excellent leadership team so you would not be on your own. The process is very easy and there is loads of support and industry recognised leadership training available. You can choose to start as an “Occasional Helper” and then progress. Speak to any of our leaders for more information. Do you know anyone that would like to join in our fun? Trust me, we are having loads.
The primary method of communication for all sections is Email and we aim to respond within 1 - 2 days. This may seem a bit impersonal sometimes, but it is less intrusive on leaders lives than other methods. Leaders will of course talk to you on the phone when a conversation is more appropriate, however please do try to avoid telephoning leaders on Friday afternoons/evenings unless it is absolutely essential. Please try to communicate with well in advance to avoid last minute questions.
If your query relates to a specific section please use their dedicated email addresses:
We do keep our website up to date with general information and newsletters: www.29thenfield.org.uk
Direct other general enquiries regarding subs etc to me:
When replying to one of these general emails please amend your subject line to reflect the subject you are writing about otherwise I may miss you email as it will grouped by subject by my email programme!
Thank you all for your support.
Wishing you all a happy and holy Easter,
Peter Jones
Group Scout Leader 6th Enfield & 13th Enfield E: W: www.29thenfield.org.uk F: www.facebook.com/13thenfield M: 07850090492