Crate Expectations
On Saturday 16th January our group scout leader (Peter) organised a team building exercise for the young leaders in the 29th Enfield Scout Troop. The aim of this was to grow closer as a group but at the same time it was also a little treat for us.
We started off the day by having breakfast at McDonalds which was kindly paid for by Peter. After this we went to Gillwell Park which is luckily only a 15-20 minutes drive from us. All together there were 6 of us young leaders with Bear and Peter.
When we got there we went straight to the activity area where we found we were booked to do crate stacking! Although it looks very easy it does require a lot of team work and communication in order to succeed. I believe that by doing this activity we grew closer as a group and I would definitely recommend it to any other people who are interested and you can also see a video of it on YouTube. We would just like to take this time to thank Peter for organising this as we really enjoyed ourselves.