We are Recruiting Now
We are looking for new helpers for Beavers (age 6-8) and Cubs (age 8-10). No experience is required, just a sense of fun and energy. Training and support with programmes and administration will be provided and you can work at whatever level suits you from Occasional Helper to Uniformed Leader. Maybe you used to belong as a young person and now have some time to give? If you are able join our fun please contact Peter for more information M: 07850090492 E: W: www.29thenfield.org.uk F: www.facebook.com/13thenfield
Maybe you think you haven't got time to volunteer? Here is a great video that explains how busy people can find time for fun with us:
Programme content, administration systems, meeting place, finance and all the support you need is already in place with senior Scouters available for advise and guidance.
What we need is one or two key people to become Beaver and Cub Leaders along with a group of regular helpers backed up by a pool of "occasional" helpers. You can volunteer at any level in this structure, wherever you feel most comfortable.