To all Beaver, Cub and Scout Parents,
Apologies if you received a system generated email reminder for subs. It was supposed go out later in the week. If you have not paid yet, it would be really helpful if you could set up an electronic payment or pay by cheque this Friday so we only have to visit the bank once. Please try to avoid paying by cash as it is not insured while in our possession and could potentially be a very significant amount which we are not comfortable handling.
New members have a two week trial period so don’t have to pay anything yet.
If you require another invitation to the My.Scout system just ask me to resend it to you.
Parent Help
Please remember to sign up to help. The schedule is on My.Scout, or just let your section leader or me know a date you would like to help.
Church Parade
Next Church Parade is at Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St George on Sunday 2nd February. Meet 9am in the parish centre.
Many thanks,
Peter Jones
Group Scout Leader
6th Enfield & 13th Enfield
M: 07850090492