Group Email for 6th Jan 2014
Welcome Back
We hope you all had a holy and peaceful Christmas and wish you a happy and prosperous New Year. Section meetings resume this week on Friday 10th January. There will be no meeting for half term on Friday 21st February and our last meeting before the Easter holiday will be 28th March.
Subscriptions of £33 for the term are due on the first meeting. We are now able to offer the option of paying by Direct Debit and you will be receiving an invitation to do this from My.Scout Online Scout Manager, the administration system we use. You can also pay by cheque payable to “13th Enfield Scout Group” with the child’s name written on the back. We do prefer not to receive cash please.
Church Parade
Next Church Parade is at Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St George on Sunday 2nd February.
We need more leaders
Our Groups have been very successful last term and as such we always need more help. We have vacancies for uniformed leaders in all sections. If you are not sure it is easy to start as non uniformed and progress. Section Assistants provide valuable support to the section leaders. Here are links to articles describing the roles: Occasional Helper and Section Assistant, Section Assistant Role Description. Please speak to one of the leaders if you are interested in joining our adventure. If you know of anyone who may be interested please refer them to me.
Parent Help
Thank you for your continued support to help with extra supervision. This allows us to provide more challenging programmes for our young members. You will be receiving an invitation to sign up to help at a meeting of your choice though My.Scout. This gives you the flexibility to choose, but if meetings are uncovered we may have to allocate a rota. Please try to avoid late cancellations with this as it is difficult for us to react when tied up at work. It would help if you have to change your night that you could swap with another parent without involving the the leaders. Just let us know what has been arranged.
Beavers is Full
Our Beaver Colony is now full to capacity with an active waiting list. If you have siblings to join in the future please let us know and we will put them on the waiting list. Kaa will need to know their name and date of birth asap please. Please do not wait until they are older to give this information to Kaa due to the size of our waiting list. We would hate not to be able to offer a place at Beavers to siblings. Thanks to Kaa and the Beaver leadership team for all their hard work in growing the colony so quickly.
We are now using a different email system for sending bulk emails hence the different format now. Please ask your friends to check their junk mail just in case some services don’t trust the sending server.
Regular updates will continue to be posted on our website.
Peter Jones
Group Scout Leader
6th Enfield & 13th Enfield
M: 07850090492