We have now closed for the summer holidays. Meetings resume on 14th September.
A big thank you for all your help and support this year as our group continues to grow from strength to strength.
Wishing you all a safe and relaxing holiday season.
Why not join our great adventure! Contact a leader now for more information. Training and mentoring provided, by Joining our leadership team you would not be working on your own, commit to what you are comfortable with.
Group Scout Leader (GSL). The Group Scout Leader is the manager of the Scout Group, the line manager for the section leaders and coordinates the group and sections. No previous scouting experience is required. This role would suit someone with management experience. Leadership and management training is provided.
Assistant Scout Leader. The assistant section leader will assist the Scout Leader at meetings and assist with planning and administration for the section.
Cub Scout Leader. The section leader will head the existing leadership team in the cub section, coordinating the planning and administration for the section.
Executive Committee Member. Another way you can support the Group without commiting to helping at weekly section meetings, the Executive Committee govern and support the Group, they meet once a term and take on various support roles as required. For example we need help administering the Gift Aid scheme.
Subscriptions and payment for Events
Termly subscriptions will be due on 14th September. Those moving from Beavers to Cubs or Cubs to Scouts will have to set up new Direct Debits in the payments system. Existing DDs will be cancelled. Please arrange to pay promptly. Non payment after 3 weeks will result in termination of membership. Please discuss in confidence with your section leader as soon as possible if you have any difficulty with this. Please don’t ignore system generated reminders from OSM/My.Scout; we pay to use this this service to save the leaders time chasing you, so you won’t be reminded by leaders to pay. The same applies for paying for events, we expect you to pay by the due date and certainly before the event takes place so we have cleared funds to cover our expenses.
Church Parades
All members are expected to attend church parades, once every half term at Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St George RC Church, London Road, EN2 8HG. Full smart uniform with school trousers/skirt and black polished shoes. Meet at 08:45 in the Parish Centre, entrance to the right as you approach the church.
Confirmed dates for next term and Spring 2018:
16th September 2018
11th November 2018 10.15am for Remembrance Day
13th January 2019
10th March 2019
Communications Reminder
All communication should be directed to the relevant section leaders:
When replying to general emails please amend your subject line to reflect the subject you are writing about rather than just replying to a random email.
HQ Parking
We operate an informal one way system by approaching via Halifax Road, and departing via Manor Road to help the flow of traffic. Please do not enter the cul-de-sac section of Halifax Road, do not abandon your vehicle in the middle of the road or park in the private car park for the flats and do not block access to the gates as this will require dangerous reversing manoeuvres and impedes safe pedestrian access.
There is a footway into Gordon Road which has easier access for vehicles.