Dear Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Young Leaders, Parents and Leaders,
Church Parade
November Church Parade will be next Sunday, 13th November for Remembrance Day. Note later start time of 10:15 am. Meeting in the Parish Centre, door to the right as you approach the church: Our Lady of Mount Carmel & St George, 45 London Road, Enfield, EN2 6DS. Please make every effort to attend. Those of all faiths and none are very welcome. Full smart uniform essential with school trousers/skirt and black polished shoes wearing a poppy.
After the service there will be a Fairtrade Fayre: See how your shopping can help the developing world. Stalls including Traidcraft, CAFOD, OXFAM, Pax Christi and TWIN. Refreshments - fairly traded tea and coffee will be available. An ideal opportunity to buy Christmas Cards & Gifts. All welcome.
Gift Aid
A reminder that we will be claiming Gift Aid on subscription payments. The My.Scout (OSM) system will handle the administration for us which is very easy. You will be receiving an email to remind you to sign up if you have not already done so. We are able to claim 25 pence for every pound which will enable us to provide even more fun for our members now and in the future.
Full details on Gift Aid here:
Thank you for your help and support.
Peter Jones
Group Scout Leader
29th Enfield Scouts