Subscriptions of £33 for spring term are due at the beginning of every term. We still have 2 beavers, 2 cubs and 6 scouts outstanding. Please make every effort to pay promptly to help me spend more time on more useful scouting activities. If you need to discuss payment, please contact me in confidence. Next week I will be chasing individuals which takes a huge amount of my time. Does anyone wish to volunteer as subscriptions administrator?
Church Parades
Dates for spring term are 8th February and 8th March 9am at Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St George, London Road. This is our usual one parade per half term. Please make every effort to attend as we are sponsored by the parish and expect a good turnout. Full uniform, school trousers or skirt and polished shoes. Meet in the parish centre to the right as you approach the church. This a Roman Catholic Mass, everyone is welcome. Children and adults that have not received their First Holy Communion in the Catholic Church are welcome to come forward for a blessing during Communion if they wish, and should indicate this by crossing their arms on the font of their chest. This is your two week warning for February parade!
St George's Day Parade
Sunday afternoon 26th April 2pm in Enfield Town. All Beavers, Cubs and Scouts in the district are expected to attend. Please put this in your new diary now! Attendance is mandatory.
District Competitions and Events
From time to time you are invited to sign up for extra events, competitions and activities organised by our district, county or other groups. Please only sign up for events if the young person and parents are absolutely committed to attend as last minute cancellations or failure to turn up at events causes a cascade or work for our leaders and makes it difficult to take part in team events without a complete team. We have to pay for these places.
One parent, relative or friend to join our thriving beaver leadership team. The team is highly organised, plans a term in advance. and is well supported by our excellent young leaders. It is an excellent opportunity to become part of an existing team and work at your own pace. Please speak to a leader for more information to sign up as a helper.
Many thanks for your help and support
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