Welcome back to a new year and new term.
Term Dates
No meeting for half term 20th February.
Last meeting of spring term 27th March.
We resume for Summer term on 17th April.
Subscriptions of £33 for spring term are due today. Please make every effort to pay promptly to help me spend more time on more useful scouting activities 🙂
Church Parades
Dates for spring term are 8th February and 8th March 9am at Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St George, London Road. This is our usual one parade per half term. Please make every effort to attend as we are sponsored by the parish and expect a good turnout. Full uniform, school trousers or skirt and polished shoes.
St George's Day Parade
Sunday afternoon 26th April 2pm in Enfield Town. All Beavers, Cubs and Scouts in the district are expected to attend. Please put this in your new diary now! Attendance is mandatory.
Group Camp 2015
We are planning a weekend camp on 8-10th May for Cubs and Scouts with the Beavers sleeping over one night, probably the Friday night with indoor accommodation available for Beavers. More information to follow. Another date for your new diary.
Executive Committee
Our group executive do an excellent job steering, overseeing, advising and supporting the leaders. Our parent representatives have moved on and are now representing cubs and scouts so we now have a vacancy for a beaver parent. This is an excellent way to support the group without a regular weekly commitment. Please ask me for more information.
Thanks for all your help and support.
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Peter Jones
Group Scout Leader
6th & 13th Enfield Scouts
T: @13thenfield