To all beavers, cubs, scouts and parents,
I hope you all had a great half term. Our section meetings resume this Friday. Last meeting before Christmas is 19th December.
Church Parade
A reminder that this Sunday 9th November is our Remembrance Day Church Parade at Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St George, London Road. Meeting 10.15am in the parish centre to the right as you approach the church in full smart uniform including school trousers and polished shoes. This is a very important occasion and we do expect a good turnout please.
My.Scout links
I am still seeing these links being forwarded to me. Please avoid sending these on as it will give access to YOUR account. Start a new email or delete the link from the forwarded text. The messages look like this for example (only):
My.Scout Emails: Your private Link to Your Account
Summer Camp 2015
This is a reminder that Peter has been invited to go on Summer Camp 2015 which is from 27/07/2015 to 31/07/2015 and costs £. Please could you click the link below to let us know if Peter will be attending or not.
This email has been sent by My.SCOUT from Online Scout Manager, which is a trading name of Online Youth Manager Ltd., registered company number 8084641. Email sent at 09/10/2014 09:06.
Peter Jones
Group Scout Leader