To All Beaver, Cub and Scout Parents,
Welcome back to our Autumn Term of Scouting Fun
Just in case you did not see this message last week:
Term Dates
We resume this evening Friday 12th September.
No Meeting on 31st October for half term.
Our last meeting before Christmas will be 19th December.
Church Parades
Parades at Our Lady and St George London Road will be held twice a term. Meeting in the parish centre next to the church (on the right as you approach from the road).
Dates for this term:
This Sunday: 14th September 9:00am
9th November 10:30am for Remembrance Day
Please make every effort to attend twice a term.
Your Termly subscriptions of £33 are now due. You should have received a system generated email with instructions. If this has not arrived please email me asking for it to be resent.. Please make every effort to pay promptly or ask me in confidence to make an arrangement . If you don’t wish to take advantage of our Direct Debit system (we don’t get to see your bank details) please make cheques payable to “13th Enfield Scout Group” and hand to your section leader tonight. Thanks to those that have already paid.
Please do not send your private secure link to anyone else (including me).
Thank you all for your support.
Peter Jones Group Scout Leader 6th & 13th Enfield Scout Group E: