Term Dates
There are no beaver, cub or scout meetings this Friday 30th May as it is half term, and our final meeting this term will be Friday 18th July.
Church Parade
This month church parade is on Sunday 8th June so we have the benefit of the children's homily and we will have Mass cards to help the young people follow the service. Meet at 9am in the parish centre next to the church, Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St George, London Road, Enfield. We need a few parents to help. Please do make every effort to attend. (The 4 Cubs that are away camping are excused.)
Outdoor Activities
This term expect plenty of outdoor activities. We generally continue with our plans regardless of the weather so please to make sure your young people arrive with suitable outdoor clothing or waterproofs as required. Also make sure all items of clothing are labelled with a name..
I have finally collected all subs. I spent an inordinate amount of time chasing parents including an hour while at cubs where I should have been helping and having fun. Next term we will require payment by the third week at the very latest and may refuse entry at the door. Sorry if this sounds harsh but I need to minimise my administrative effort.
Executive Committee
We almost have a complete Executive. The purpose of this is to support the group by assisting with management and administration which enables our uniformed leaders to focus on running activities for our young members. We have a Beaver parent and would like at least one Cub and one Scout parent to join the committee. Please get in touch with me if you are able to help and have any questions.
AGM Friday 27th 7.30pm June At St John's Clay Hill.
Please put this in your diary as we have some important decisions to make and it is important for parents to be involved in steering the group.
Hope you are enjoying half term.
Thank you all for your support.
Peter Jones
Group Scout Leader 6th Enfield & 13th Enfield E: W: www.29thenfield.org.uk F: www.facebook.com/13thenfield M: 07850090492