To all Beaver, Cub and Scout Parents,
Advanced Notice: Saint George’s Day Parade 27th April 2014
27th April is the District Saint George’s Celebration when Enfield Scouts parade through The Town carnival style from Enfield Grammar Upper School to Grammar Lower School. Full turnout is expected for this once a year event to celebrate Scouting’s patron saint.
On this occasion “smart” uniform is required which means ironed scarves tightly and neatly rolled, clean (and ironed if scout shirt) uniform top, black/school trousers/skirt and clean black polished shoes.
We will meet at our designated space in the school playground behind the Post Office in Little Park Gardens, EN2 6PD at 2.45pm prompt. We will be identified by our unique group scarves.
Dismissal will be from Enfield Grammar Lower School playground, Silver Street opposite the Civic Centre at 4.30pm. Parents should come to us in the playground after the dismissal to collect your children.
Many thanks for supporting this once a year occasion.
Peter Jones Group Scout Leader 6th Enfield & 13th Enfield E: