6th and 13th Enfield Scout Groups
Annual General Meeting
On Friday 27th June 2014 at 7.30pm
At St John’s Church Hall, Clay Hill, Strayfield Road EN2 9JH click map
Our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will be showcasing some of their scouting skills. There will be various activities going on before and after the meeting so you are welcome to arrive from around 6.30pm to see our young members having fun.
Please put this in your diary as we have some important decisions to make and it is important for parents to be involved in steering the group. At this meeting you will be approving and electing and empowering an Executive Committee to act on your behalf in managing the Group(s) though the coming year. There are places for up to four elected members (parents) on the committee and it is very important that parents collectively have a say in managing the group. We often receive comments from parents and this is the forum where you really can have your say and make a difference.
The Charity Commission and Scout Association requires us to have an Executive Committee. We don’t have a choice. The purpose of this is to support the group by assisting with management and administration which enables our uniformed leaders to focus on running activities for our young members. This is one of two ways we need parents to support beavers, cubs and scouts, the other being assisting the leaders at beaver, cub and scout nights. Having parents on the committee really does make a difference to what we can achieve. With modern communications we don’t anticipate too many meetings, probably one or two per term. Anyone wishing to serve on our Executive Committee should contact the Group Scout Leader at for more information see http://www.29thenfield.org.uk/exec/ . This is a very rewarding role and an excellent way in which you could support the Group.
The Sections (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts) are holding their section meetings in and around the AGM venue. Your section leaders will let you know specific details separately. Hopefully we will be holding the meeting outside and there is limited seating, so please do bring a folding chair to sit on.
Refreshments will be served after the official business meeting.
Click here to download a printable pdf version
Thank you all for your support.