6th and 13th Enfield Scout Groups
Following the announcement made at both Groups over the last two weeks, I am now able to confirm the arrangements for next term. Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will all be meeting on Friday nights at St Georges School in the newly refurbished hall situated at the end of Halifax Road. Timings for sections are:
Beavers 5.00pm – 6.15pm
Cubs 6.30pm – 7.45pm
Scouts 8.00pm – 9.30pm
First meeting on Friday 13th September, last meeting on Friday 13th December 2013.
Subs for the term will be £33 for all sections payable at the beginning of the term. (This equates to £2.75 per week over a 36 week academic year). For some of you this will be a small increase and for some a small decrease, but it brings all 6 sections into line. Payment instructions will follow nearer to the start of term.
As you can imagine many factors and constraints have been taken into consideration before deciding on timings and venue. I appreciate this will not suit everyone, but we do have to move forward with a secure plan to provide sufficient and effective leadership to all sections to enable the group to thrive. This is a big change for all sections.
I am sure you will all agree that this joint venture is an exciting opportunity for us all, and our leadership teams are looking forward to working together in order to provide “Better Scouting for More Young People”.
If you have any questions at all please email or call me anytime. I do understand that you may have other activities on Fridays so occasional absences would not be a problem as long as you let your section leader know in advance to aid planning. If you need to find another Group due to the meeting night I can help you with this.
Keep an eye on our website and Facebook page over the holidays.
Wishing you all a safe and relaxing holiday season.
Many thanks,
Peter Jones
Assistant Group Scout Leader
6th Enfield & 13th Enfield